Saturday, December 19, 2009

My hairdresser told me not to use Pantene shampoo because it is bad for your hair is this true?

My hairdresser said that Pantene has the same chemical in it as Mop N Glo, has anyone else heard this? Is it true?My hairdresser told me not to use Pantene shampoo because it is bad for your hair is this true?
I haven't heard that...but I have heard that it is a bad shampoo because I has other chemicals that damage your hair more than fixing it!!My hairdresser told me not to use Pantene shampoo because it is bad for your hair is this true?
yes it is cuz it has wax in it thats how it makes ur hair so shiny and look good even tho it is so bad for ur hair ( =
i dont know about mop and glow but it has bees wax in ti which with time hardens and will cause the hair to break
my hairdresser told me the same thing so i would guess its true. but its weird like how can they get away with making a shampoo like that.
I have heard many people saying that it has many alcohol ingredients and car washing ingredients. I really don't know, my boyfriend's mom uses it and it leaves her hair soft shiny and healthy. But when I used it it left my hair frizzy and hard. Then like 10 people on yahoo said it has terrible ingredients. I don't know, just don't use it.
I'm not sure about the Mop %26amp; Glo angle but my hairdresser also advised me not to use their shampoo (and conditioner) because it has some chemical in it that builds up on your hair. I had been using it and they tried to put some semipermanent colour in my hair. It wouldn't take because, according to them, the chemical in Pantene was remaining on my hair and preventing the colour from adhering to it.
Thats bullshi*t. It's not bad for your hair. My instructors have told me, though, that using it TOO often (not rotating your shampoos and conditioners weekly) will cause your hair to feel a bit stiff because of the excess protein buildup.
I haven't heard that, but there is a website you can look on that tells you about shampoos that are safe for you to use. Some shampoos have caustic ingredients that can even cause cancer. Think about it this way. Many companies test on animals, and if lab tests found that it was unsafe to use on animals, I certainly wouldn't use it. You could check on PETA's website for companies that don't test on animals. Those may be safer to use.
I have an excellent stylist and she highly recommended Pantene because I have a LOT of hair---and only wash once a week and I am blond!!!!! I shower etc---but I do only wash once a week--unless sweaty from exercising, swimming---etc. I was informed that Pantene has lots of WAX which helps to hold LOTS of hair like mine down----

You may have thinner, oily hair---in which case--NOT a good choice!!!!!!
Um, im not quite sure this is true. it's been tested before and looks decent. personally, erbal essences works best for me because they have a product for most types of hair.
have not heared bout it but i read the label and it contains

citric acid

the sour chemical 4 foods
I personally don't use hair products that you can buy at a grocery store. I invest a lot in my hair and I get many compliments everyday. I don't know how much you want to spend on your hair products but here is a few good brands that I have used.

1. Kerastase

2. L'Or茅al Professionnel (It's named this exactly, not the in store stuff)

3. Bumble and Bumble

A good website for many beauty products is
If this advice came from your hairdresser, she obviously knew what she was talking about. Maybe for your hair, it is not a good idea to use pantene. Everyones hair is different, that is why they have so many brands out there that have so many ';specialties'; if you call them that. I personally have never heard of this, but im no expert. Hope this helps! :)
Pantene is damaging to the has wax and silicone in it and it makes the hair feel one way when it actually is causing a waxy buildup on the cuticle layer of the hair and that is definitely not should always use professional products to get professional results...if you want your hair looking waxy and glossy you keep using PANTENE...
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